About Paganism

In the Western societies, religions are usually perceived from the viewpoint of the two big ideologies – Christianity and Atheism. The real variety of religions is, however, much wider. Paganism, in the broadest sense of the word, actually encloses all other religions except the Judaeo-Christian ones.

Therefore, a Pagan can define his or her god to be the whole universe (pantheism), worship one (monotheism) or several (polytheism) gods, or deny the existence of any god-like figure (atheism, in the sense of not worshipping a god).

The variety of Pagan world views is, however, not considered a problem in Pakanaverkko, but rather an advantage. Pakanaverkko is not a religious association, but works across the religious boundaries to achieve the goal of all the ideologies included: the freedom to practise any religion which operates within the limits of Finnish law.